That Moment When | You Get Your Mojo Back

Now we all know that when you're running a marathon you can't base your strategy on sprinting the whole way; that's a strategy for failure. For success, you need to pace yourself. The same applies to reaching those goals you've got; set a healthy pace and be prepared to sprint only when you're near the end. I know keeping your efforts measured is hard (trust me I know; I'm a graduate of the school of wanting things *right now*).

Free Yourself From The Tyranny of ‘Should’

Can, could, may, might, must, shall, will, would and should are the devil's time wasters. You don't 'try,' you 'do.' When you give yourself the option of 'do' or 'do not' and the 'do' is something that you know is going to challenge your comfort zone, it's a lot easier to lean in favour of the 'not.' That's why you have to change your modals from ones of probability, to that of obligation.

It’s Time To Get Serious – It’s Time To Conquer

You have to dream big and hustle harder. Whatever the dream is, you'll have to put extra sweat and tears in (blood stains things). To make it to the top of your game you have to always be willing to give more than everyone else. You have to commit to working smarter and harder because the path is long, the escalators are broken and not everyone finished P90x.

When You’re Too Tired Don’t Quit – Just Do It

Think of your role model, the person you aspire to be like...Now imagine their rise and their career or their success; do you honestly think they didn't have days where they wanted to give up, miss a deadline, a training session, a posting schedule? No, of course they did, but when you've got that little bit more dedication than everyone around you, you find a way to keep going and winning.

Its Time For Your Personal Appraisal

Don't forget, a self assessment isn't about punishing yourself for the things you haven't done or missing the targets you haven't met. It's about an honest reflection on your priorities and expelled effort. Priorities were made to be realigned so don't write yours in stone. And when you do self assess and you've met your personal expectations, why not reward yourself? Positive reinforcement doesn't have to just stay in the workplace...

Start, Start Over and Start Again

I promised you I'd return within a week, but life wouldn't be life if it didn't get in the way. How do I begin to account for my absence? Anxiety. An easily self diagnosed illness that seems to be over subscribed to by millennials, myself included. But you can't hide from the truth and the truth is I got overwhelmed and had to take a time out.